What's coming up?
WI monthly evenings
4th Monday of the month 7.30 - 9.30 pm
January WI Evening
27/01/25 Arrive from 7.15
Birthday Party night
Back by popular demand its "Bring a dish night"
Check out the whats app group for more updates on the sweet and savoury dishes. There will also be an e mail for those who are not in the group.
Its not a party without pass the parcel so bring your party energy for an evening of food and fun.
Venue: St. Mary's Parish Hall, Green Street, Sunbury-on-Thames, Shepperton, TW16 6RN
February WI Evening
24/02/25 Arrive from 7.15
Dental Health Matters
We are delighted to be welcoming a dentist to disuss the matters raised as part of the Dental Health Matters campaign voted for by members at the WI Annual Meeting in June 2024. Our members are concerned about the shortage of NHS dentists, dentist surgeries, and new patient spaces. This shortage, combined with the cost of living crisis, has led to the rise of 'DIY Dentistry' where people are suffering to the point of extracting their own teeth.
Venue: Sunbury Con Club, Green Street, Sunbury on Thames TW16 6RA
Where the venue is different from our main venue Sunbury Conservative Club it will be indicated.
Subject to change, please check for updates including venue.
Upcoming programme dates 2025
- 27th January Bring a dish night and annual meeting (Church Hall)
- 24th February Dental Health Matters (Inline with the 2025 WI Resolution)
- 24th March Craft night - Candle making (Church Hall)
- 28th April Speaker Anecdotes of an Armed Police Officer (Ian Arthur)
- 19th May Colour analysis talk
- 23rd June Speaker - Finding your unique pathway to improved health and happiness (health coach Sarah Herbert)
- 14th July Summer outing
- Summer Break
- 22nd Septmber Bingo
- 20th October Quiz night and annual meeting
- 24th November Craft night - Christmas craft themed (Church Hall)
- 15th December Christmas party